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View Full Version : Mirage ride height

03-13-2019, 08:53 AM
Hello from the UK

I am preparing my Mirage for a trip to Europe (if they let me in).

My ride height is rather low and, due to the number of ramps and traffic calming measures appearing over Europe, i could do with raising the ride height an inch or 2, front and rear.

Can anyone suggest the easiest, cheapest way of doing this (would be good to be easily reversible also) ?

I have standard VW from suspension, Corvair rear.

Thanks (sorry, I can't seem to post any pictures)

03-13-2019, 06:16 PM
Hello from the UK

I am preparing my Mirage for a trip to Europe (if they let me in).

My ride height is rather low and, due to the number of ramps and traffic calming measures appearing over Europe, i could do with raising the ride height an inch or 2, front and rear.

Can anyone suggest the easiest, cheapest way of doing this (would be good to be easily reversible also) ?

I have standard VW from suspension, Corvair rear.

Thanks (sorry, I can't seem to post any pictures)

Taller tires is the simplest but definitely not the cheapest.

03-13-2019, 09:13 PM
Isn't the VW front a torsion-bar suspension that can be adjusted in the middle of the "axle"? Also, a spacer of some sort in the rear spring cup should take care of the rear.